The World's (previous) Largest Jigsaw Puzzle
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LIFE: The Great Challenge   -   by Royce B. McClure
    HALL OF FAME MEMBER                               Return to "Hall of Fame" home page

March 8th, 2009
Tyler Nelson (with some help from Deb and Kelly)   -   Yorkton, Saskatchewan, Canada.
Assembled between August 14th, 2008 and March 8th, 2009.

FIRST TO COMPLETE IN SASKATCHEWAN, CANADA. It took me 149 days and 465 hours to complete, within a 7 month period. I started on August 14 and finished on March 8. I did the puzzle in sections. I am 20 years old.

I really got into puzzles about a year ago, it was summer and my girlfriend Kelly asked if I wanted to do a puzzle, at first I wasn't really interested but after we found a nice 1500 piece puzzle, and finished it, I realized I really enjoyed jigsaw puzzles.

After we finished the 1500 piece I was curious to see how big they made them, after seeing a couple 5000- 8000 piece puzzles I thought it would be really fun to do such a large puzzle. I came across the Life puzzle and was shocked. Shocked at it's size and how incredible it looked.

At first I thought there would be no way I could do such a huge puzzle, but after hearing from the Hall of Fame members and how they said it wasn't as bad as it looked I decided to buy the puzzle and start on it as soon as it arrived.

The day it arrived I got to work on it. I can't take all the credit because my girlfriend Kelly helped with the first section. She put together the giraffe, the monkey and the bear on the giraffe. She also did one of the yellow fish. She also snuck in about 30-50 pieces on section 3 as well. Section 2 and 4 were done entirely by me. At first we were both going to do the puzzle together, but she got too busy with school and it was really hard for her to help, so I decided to finish it myself. I did the puzzle in the four sections and did them in order.

Special credit goes out to my mother Deb who helped me sort the puzzle when I opened each bag. I then sorted the remainder by myself. I sorted by color not by shape, I didn't have any strategy while doing the puzzle, I just sorted by color and picture and went from there. Section 4 was the one I enjoyed the most, the swordfish is my favorite part of the entire puzzle, (see below.) I also love the lost city, which was easier than I thought it would be. I found the birds in section 3, and the ocean water, or wavy water on each section to be the most difficult to do.

FIRST TO COMPLETE IN SASKATCHEWAN, CANADA. The fish in section 1 were also pretty challenging. The rest of the puzzle was fairly simple and very fun to put together. I did it over 7 months and I didn't do it everyday. There were some times when I went 3-4 days without doing it. I tried to put in time everyday so I could finish it within a reasonable time. I usually spent at least 2 hours a night on it and worked on it quite a bit on weekends.

It was an incredible experience and was a lot of fun to do. I enjoyed it very much. It is not a hard puzzle, it just takes a lot of time, commitment, and patience. I will hopefully be mounting it soon and will provide pictures of the displayed puzzle once it's up.

Thanks for hearing my story, good luck to all those who wish to tackle this challenge!


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