LIFE: The Great Challenge - by Royce B. McClure
9 November, 2007
Jill Stevens (Teacher) - Antioch, Tennessee, USA
Assembled between August and 9 November, 2007
27 Aug,2007 I am assembling the puzzle at a friends house who does not have any kids or
animals. I am working on this alone during the evenings after my kids have
gone to sleep and my husband has returned from work.
9 Nov, 2007 Everything has been solved. The puzzle is done...I have the puzzle up in
my technology classroom. It took me almost 4 months of 'off and on'
working (with a two week break). I would love to see a compliment piece to
this one called fantasy... I am now looking for all of the picts that I
have taken since day one to have a timeline of what it looked like
throughout the process.
I get to build another one of these after Christmas. My friend is giving
one of these to his mother as a gift and he has already asked that I help.
Join the Challenge!