date starting ending hours minutes section photo
24/11/07 15.05 16.08 1 3 sorting P1-1
24/11/07 17.00 17.51 0 51 balloons P1-2
25/11/07 08.55 12.25 3 30 balloons P1-3
25/11/07 12.55 13.57 1 2 rest balloons, sorting sky P1-4
26/11/07 16.08 17.03 0 55 sorting sky P1-5
26/11/07 18.33 20.03 1 30 sorting sky, contours of animals P1-6
26/11/07 20.32 21.58 1 26 sky, contours of animals P1-7
27/11/07 18.08 19.40 1 32 sky  P1-8
28/11/07 10.02 12.12 2 10 rest sky, sorting animals, giraffs P1-9
28/11/07 15.24 16.09 0 45 leopard, zebra P1-10
28/11/07 18.11 19.08 0 57 zebra P1-11
29/11/07 09.27 10.21 0 54 animals P1-12
30/11/07 18.50 20.06 1 10 animals P1-13
01/12/07 12.34 12.42 0 8 animals P1-14
01/12/07 13.12 17.33 4 21 animals P1-15
01/12/07 20.01 20.15 0 14 animals P1-16
02/12/07 12.51 17.15 4 24 rest animals, water P1-17
02/12/07 19.07 19.43 0 36 rest water P1-18
02/12/07 21.24 22.17 0 53 yellow fishes P1-19
03/12/07 11.08 13.13 2 5 yellow and orange fishes P1-20
03/12/07 13.46 15.07 1 21 yellow and orange fishes P1-21
03/12/07 18.04 18.29 0 25 yellow, orange and red fishes P1-22
03/12/07 20.25 21.12 0 47 yellow, orange and red fishes P1-23
04/12/07 17.45 19.27 1 42 yellow, orange and red fishes P1-24
04/12/07 21.27 22.14 0 47 coral P1-25
05/12/07 13.55 16.42 2 47 coral and green fishes P1-26
06/12/07 17.08 17.42 0 34 blue fishes P1-27
07/12/07 13.48 14.18 0 30 rest of coral P1-28
07/12/07 18.34 21.46 3 12 rest of coral P1-29
28 871
total 42 31
hours minutes
date starting ending hours minutes section part
08/12/07 15.36 17.14 1 38 sorting P2-1
08/12/07 17.21 18.03 0 42 tower, part of balloons P2-2
09/12/07 13.56 15.43 1 47 balloons P2-3
09/12/07 16.13 17.09 0 56 rest balloon, grass, tower P2-4
10/12/07 18.48 20.02 1 14 grass, sheep P2-5
10/12/07 21.45 22.45 1 0 sky silhouette, butterflies P2-6
11/12/07 21.38 22.28 0 50 silhouettes of birds, sorting sky P2-7
12/12/07 14.37 15.12 0 35 sorting sky P2-8
13/12/07 16.02 16.29 0 27 sorting sky P2-9
13/12/07 17.17 17.43 0 26 sorting sky P2-10
13/12/07 21.25 00.10 2 45 rainbow P2-11
14/12/07 19.25 22.47 3 22 sky   P2-12
15/12/07 13.48 14.50 1 2 sky P2-13
15/12/07 17.40 20.02 2 22 rest sky P2-14
16/12/07 13.10 17.11 4 1 animals, rocks P2-15
18/12/07 17.41 22.46 5 5 water P2-16
19/12/07 16.31 16.58 0 27 water P2-17
19/12/07 18.17 19.12 0 55 sorting fishes P2-18
21/12/07 18.47 20.16 1 29 fishes P2-19
22/12/07 11.47 12.24 0 37 fishes P2-20
22/12/07 13.25 16.47 3 22 fishes/coral P2-21
22/12/07 18.19 18.55 0 36 fishes/coral P2-22
23/12/07 18.06 20.29 2 23 coral P2-23
25/12/07 13.13 15.29 2 16 coral P2-24
25/12/07 21.00 22.37 1 37 rest of coral P2-25
30 714
total 41 54
hours minutes
date starting ending hours minutes section part
26/12/07 10.56 12.21 1 25 sorting sailboats P3-1
26/12/07 12.46 15.02 2 16 sailboats P3-2
27/12/07 20.33 22.22 1 49 sailboats, sorting planets P3-3
29/12/07 10.22 12.52 2 30 planets, sorting sky P3-4
29/12/07 16.08 17.07 0 59 sorting sky, birds P3-5
29/12/07 18.51 20.23 1 32 birds/sky P3-6
30/12/07 11.21 12.56 1 35 birds/sky P3-7
30/12/07 13.43 17.49 4 6 birds/sky P3-8
30/12/07 20.27 22.13 1 46 birds/sky P3-9
31/12/07 18.26 18.58 0 32 birds/sky P3-10
01/01/08 15.23 17.14 1 51 birds/sky P3-11
04/01/08 15.21 16.44 1 23 rest of sky, sorting water P3-12
05/01/08 15.49 17.30 1 41 sorting water P3-13
05/01/08 20.43 22.07 1 24 water P3-14
07/01/08 20.23 22.31 2 8 water upper part P3-15
08/01/08 18.27 19.51 1 24 rest of water upper part P3-16
10/01/08 15.56 17.01 1 5 under water, dolphins P3-17
11/01/08 18.19 20.01 1 42 under water, dolphins P3-18
12/01/08 16.06 17.10 1 4 fishes P3-19
13/01/08 15.01 15.23 0 22 fishes P3-20
13/01/08 15.33 16.31 1 2 fishes P3-21
13/01/08 18.54 22.18 3 24 fishes/coral P3-22
14/01/08 20.23 22.14 1 51 fishes/coral P3-23
15/01/08 20.24 22.23 1 59 fishes/coral P3-24
16/01/08 19.20 20.01 0 41 rest of coral P3-25
29 751
total 41 31
hours minutes
date starting ending hours minutes section part
20/01/08 14.53 17.12 2 19 sorting sailboats P4-1
20/01/08 17.52 19.56 2 4 sailboats P4-2
21/01/08 16.11 17.28 1 17 sailboats P4-3
21/01/08 18.26 19.45 1 19 sorting pink sky P4-4
21/01/08 20.34 00.32 3 58 planets P4-5
22/01/08 18.53 20.09 1 16 pink sky P4-6
22/01/08 20.33 22.21 1 48 pink sky P4-7
23/01/08 09.03 10.14 1 11 sorting water and sky P4-8
23/01/08 13.26 17.12 3 46 sorting sky, fishes, water P4-9
24/01/08 14.42 15.44 1 2 sky P4-10
24/01/08 15.59 16.47 0 47 sky P4-11
24/01/08 19.54 22.08 2 14 rest of sky, water P4-12
25/01/08 13.49 15.16 1 27 rest of water P4-13
26/01/08 13.56 15.36 1 40 coral P4-14
26/01/08 19.40 20.16 0 36 rest of coral P4-15
27/01/08 9.15 11.18 2 0 sorting underwaterworld P4-16
27/01/08 12.32 17.06 4 44 underwaterworld P4-17
27/01/08 17.53 20.09 2 16 underwaterworld P4-18
27/01/08 20.25 22.16 1 51 underwaterworld P4-19
27/01/08 22.22 22.43 0 21 rest of underwaterworld P4-20
29 536
total 37 56
hours minutes
hours minutes complete12
total puzzle 161 172 complete123
2.86667 complete1234
total puzzle 163 52